Health Tech

Health Tech news: Health Technology (Medical Tech, Healthcare IT or Digital Healthcare) uses very new technologies to improve health and quality of live.

New business models to take fintech beyond payments, credit

New business models to take fintech beyond payments, credit

By Malavika Velayanikal When you mention fintech, what comes to mind is digital payments and loans. While Paytm and PhonePe dominate digital payment apps, the...
fintech apps have changed the way we handle money

How 21st century fintech apps have changed the way we handle money

By Steven Loeb I graduated from college in 2008, which doesn't seem all that long ago. Putting it in context, though, it was only a...
Blockchain provides a path to bolstering businesses in a time of crisis

Blockchain provides a path to bolstering businesses in a time of crisis

BY CRAIG STEVENS Americans are facing unprecedented challenges due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. But like every crisis before it, we are also learning...
Overcoming your top 3 financial tech challenges

Overcoming your top 3 financial tech challenges

By Brian Bogie Healthcare is changing at a rate faster than ever before. Long-term care facilities face increasing consumer expectations, declining reimbursement rates, changing regulations...
Why smartphone firms are betting big on financial services

Why smartphone firms are betting big on financial services

By: Devika Singh  Chinese smartphone players Xiaomi, Realme and Oppo are eying the financial services market in India. Xiaomi and Realme launched their financial services apps Mi...
Veriff donates 1 million verifications

Veriff donates 1 million verifications

Veriff pledges to support nonprofits and foundations amidst the unique challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon us by donating 1 million free identity...
The internet in the coronavirus era

The internet in the coronavirus era

By Dr. George N. Tzogopoulos The identification and isolation of individuals infected and quarantined with coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as people with whom they have been...
How technology helps in the fight against coronavirus

How technology helps in the fight against coronavirus

By Amit Kumar Jain/Surbhi Jain  The recent defiant spread of Covid-19 has spurred many jokes and memes on the Internet. But the one which shows...
How will the coronavirus affect fintech?

How will the coronavirus affect fintech?

  The chaotic effects of the coronavirus outbreak are not limited to financial markets, but business operations across a widening range of industries. The infodemic,...
Blockchain, la nueva tecnología que moverá u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador

Blockchain, la nueva tecnología que moverá u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador

Por Leo Elduayen Se estima que esta tecnología moverá alrededor de u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador global en 2023, según un informe de MarketsandMarkets. La cifra...

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Social Media

Data Privacy in Social Media: Expert Advice to Startups

Customers are crucial for any business, and this is even truer for startups with a social media presence. Collectively, the data that customers provide...
How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the financial industry by enhancing fraud detection By Shiva Ganesh Today’s financial industry is experiencing a significant shift due to...
Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Bitcoin’s $100K milestone created 14,211 new millionaires and 4 billionaires. BTC investors become millionaires 22x faster than those in traditional stocks. Billionaire BTC...