Cyber Security

CiberSecurity news: reports on information security, IT security, Internet security, Identity protection, Secure coding, Authentication or Encryption.

Israel's Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

Israel’s Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

(by Dennis Mitzner) Israeli finance technology has taken giant leaps in the last few years. Hundreds of local startups are developing new technologies for payment and...

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Social Media

Data Privacy in Social Media: Expert Advice to Startups

Customers are crucial for any business, and this is even truer for startups with a social media presence. Collectively, the data that customers provide...
How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the financial industry by enhancing fraud detection By Shiva Ganesh Today’s financial industry is experiencing a significant shift due to...
Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Bitcoin’s $100K milestone created 14,211 new millionaires and 4 billionaires. BTC investors become millionaires 22x faster than those in traditional stocks. Billionaire BTC...