Fintechs: Banks can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em
By Penny Crosman
Bankers have increasingly come to accept that they need to work with fintechs — most financial institutions can't build technology as quickly and...
Bruselas se pone las pilas ante la irrupción de las fintech
By Luis Suárez
La Comisión Europea pone en marcha una consulta pública sobre las fintech para evaluar si la regulación actual es adecuada o es necesaria...
En España, existen ya 238 compañías Fintech y 63 Insurtech
Según los datos facilitados por la AEFI ayer, actualmente existen en España 238 compañías Fintech y 63 Insurtech, lo que representa un crecimiento exponencial...
Una agresiva banca española en busca de nuevos modelos ‘fintech’
By Christopher Truce
El mundo financiero está en pleno proceso de transformación digital. A lo largo y ancho del sector, la banca y empresas de servicios...
Banca digital se intensifica; las fintech se aproximan
Ahí vienen las fintech y los bancos lo saben. De acuerdo con Bankia Fintech by Insomnia, en alrededor de 10 años esta industria...
Can banks rebuild consumer trust with digital services?
By Victoria Kirk Owal
Trust has eroded
Most banking customers regardless of age have a functional relationship with financial institutions. We trust our banks as far...
The Smartphone Is The New Bank
By Matthew Wilcox
The day is nearer than anyone thought when children wonder aloud what on earth their forebears did with those folded, leather...
RBC is the first bank to offer Siri e-transfers
By Jayson MacLean
RBC has become the first Canadian bank to provide its customer with e-transfer services using the Siri feature on Apple phones and...
How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?
By Toni Xhufi
The technology that is likely to have an enormous impact on the future of the world economy has arrived and it is...
La revolución fintech es imparable y “está empezando a desintermediar”
La realidad es que tras el I Estudio presentado por el Observatorio Globaltech sobre Rentabilidad Financiera hay una pérdida de cerca de 7.300 millones...
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The risks of overbuilding Crypto infrastructure
Unlike previous eras of the internet, Web3 infrastructure has far outpaced applications development. Jesus Rodriguez explains why that could be a problem.
By Jesus Rodriguez
Tokenization’s rise offers new ways to monetize data and real world assets
The concept behind tokenization is simple.
Tokenization is a tech-enabled way to safeguard sensitive information by replacing it with non-sensitive, scrambled strings of information.
The practice...
APIs: The silent fintech security concern
By Tony Zerucha·
A quarterly report published by integrated app and security platform Wallarm gives granular attention to a little-discussed but critical security concern for fintechs –...