Green Tech news - Fintech News. Online news ✅ @dTechValley And Techs news of your sector Mon, 13 Jan 2025 19:18:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calefacción por infrarrojos: el sistema de calentamiento más barato y sostenible en invierno Mon, 13 Jan 2025 19:18:52 +0000 Mérida, 13 de enero de 2025–. Debido a las bajas temperaturas de estos meses de invierno, resulta esencial contar con un sistema de calefacción para garantizar el confort en el hogar. Sin embargo, la factura energética habitualmente alcanza un precio muy elevado en estas fechas. Por eso, resulta fundamental considerar otras alternativas a los sistemas […]

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Mérida, 13 de enero de 2025–. Debido a las bajas temperaturas de estos meses de invierno, resulta esencial contar con un sistema de calefacción para garantizar el confort en el hogar. Sin embargo, la factura energética habitualmente alcanza un precio muy elevado en estas fechas. Por eso, resulta fundamental considerar otras alternativas a los sistemas convencionales, que aseguran un hogar cálido y acogedor y, al mismo tiempo, un mayor ahorro energético y siendo más respetuosos con el medio ambiente.

En este sentido, el ecocalentador por rayos infrarrojos es la tecnología más eficiente y ecológica para mantener el hogar caliente en invierno sin tener que afrontar la costosa factura energética del sistema de calefacción convencional. Airmagic, líder en soluciones de climatización adiabática en España, ofrece esta tecnología por infrarrojos de onda larga, un sistema de calentamiento que produce el aumento de la temperatura corporal de forma natural imitando el proceso del sol al calentar la tierra. El sistema se basa en la radiación de rayos infrarrojos sobre las personas cercanas, por lo que, para calentarse y disfrutar de una sensación térmica agradable, se debe dirigir el calor de forma correcta.

Este sistema de calefacción por infrarrojos es completamente natural y supone hasta un 70% de ahorro económico frente a los sistemas tradicionales. Proporciona la máxima eficiencia energética sin pérdida de calor. Además, las soluciones de Airmagic ofrecen variador de potencia, de forma que cuando la estancia llega a la temperatura deseada, el equipo deja de funcionar. Esto lo convierte en un equipo programable que regula su funcionamiento en base a la temperatura de la estancia, lo que supone un mayor ahorro de energía.

Otra de las ventajas de los ecocalentadores es que los rayos infrarrojos de onda larga que utiliza son 100% seguros y no son perjudiciales para la salud. Generan calor de forma similar a la energía solar, y sin corrientes de aire y sin polvo, bacterias o alérgenos. Además, favorece la limpieza del aire, ya que su acción infrarroja actúa como antiséptico.

Un calefactor de infrarrojos distribuye el calor a los objetos, que a su vez lo transfieren. Esto permite utilizar menos energía y sentir el calor más rápidamente, en comparación con otros métodos de calefacción. Además, se trata de una tecnología silenciosa, fácil de instalar, configurar y mantener.

Juan Merino, CEO de Airmagic, afirma que “elegir este tipo de tecnología por rayos infrarrojos es una de las mejores alternativas para calentar el hogar o el espacio de trabajo de forma eficiente y sostenible. El confort térmico que ofrecen estas soluciones supone una reducción significativa del consumo energético, y no generan emisiones ni residuos contaminantes. Sin duda, se trata de la calefacción del futuro para quienes buscan pagar menos y reducir la huella de carbono sin sacrificar su bienestar y comodidad”.

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Todos los envases domésticos deberán tener marcado el contenedor donde deben depositarse desde 2025 Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:22:05 +0000 Valencia (31-12-2024). –Desde este 1 de enero de 2025, todos los envases para uso doméstico deberán informar de forma obligatoria la fracción o el contenedor en el que deben depositarse dichos residuos de envases, quedando excluidos los envases B2B. Se trata de una de las medidas establecidas desde la entrada en vigor en España del […]

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Valencia (31-12-2024). –Desde este 1 de enero de 2025, todos los envases para uso doméstico deberán informar de forma obligatoria la fracción o el contenedor en el que deben depositarse dichos residuos de envases, quedando excluidos los envases B2B. Se trata de una de las medidas establecidas desde la entrada en vigor en España del Real Decreto 1055/2022 de Envases y Residuos de Envases, en el que se indica qué información es obligatoria y voluntaria en el marcado de los envases, así como aquellos mensajes prohibidos.

El Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, AIMPLAS, ha destacado que, a través de dicho Real Decreto, España se adelantó a la implementación de medidas del nuevo Reglamento Europeo de Envases y Residuos de Envase, que tendrá vigencia ya desde 2025 y que marca un hito en la regulación de productos que están presentes en la vida cotidiana de millones de personas. La normativa, que sustituye a la Directiva 94/62/CE se centra en reducir los residuos de los envases, fomentar la reutilización y el rellenado, y asegurar que todos los envases sean reciclables para el 2030, contribuyendo así a la transición hacia una economía circular.

Otra de las principales medidas desde 2025 es que se deberá indicar si el envase es reutilizable e incorporar el símbolo asociado al Sistema de Depósito, Devolución y Retorno (SDDR). Un sistema que se basa en que el consumidor deje en depósito unos céntimos cuando compra, y ese dinero lo recuperaría cuando devuelve al comercio el envase vacío, garantizando así la recuperación de envases. Una metodología de reciclaje que en dos años se deberá aplicar a los envases domésticos de PET y polietileno de menos de 3 litros y de un solo uso.

Obligatoriedad para las empresas de pertenecer a un sistema RAP desde el 1 de enero

Además, AIMPLAS recuerda que una de las novedades clave que se destacaban en el RD 1055/2022, es la adhesión a los Sistemas Individuales o Colectivos de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SIRAPs o SCRAPs) para los envases comerciales e industriales. La implantación de estos sistemas nace para que las empresas que pongan productos envasados en el mercado se hagan cargo de la gestión de los residuos de envases una vez llegados al fin de su vida útil a través del pago de una tasa. Siendo la fecha límite para hacer efectiva su constitución el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Por otra parte, algunos tipos de envases de plástico de un solo uso quedarán prohibidos a partir del 1 de enero de 2030. Entre ellos figuran los envases de frutas y verduras frescas sin procesar, los de alimentos y bebidas que se sirven y consumen en cafeterías y restaurantes, los de porciones individuales (para, por ejemplo, condimentos, salsas, crema, azúcar), los envases pequeños de productos de higiene personal y las bolsas de plástico muy ligeras (de menos de quince micras). Además, de cara a 2030 los fabricantes deben reducir al mínimo el peso y volumen de los envases, teniendo en cuenta la seguridad y la funcionalidad.

La Comisión Europea también ha puesto el foco en que este Reglamento establezca una etiqueta y unos requisitos armonizados. Además, todos los envases compostables, a excepción de aquellos destinados al transporte o que formen parte de un sistema de depósito y devolución, estarán obligados a estar marcados con una etiqueta con pictogramas que informen sobre la composición de materiales (compostable o home-compostable), pudiéndose acompañar de un código QR con más información.

Asimismo, los envases en los que se pueda aplicar el SDDR se marcarán con una etiqueta armonizada y de esta forma se informará del contenido en reciclado y de la composición de materiales, incluido el contenido de plástico biobasado.

Finalmente, AIMPLAS ha resaltado que “los plásticos son fundamentales en diversos sectores, ayudando en la preservación de alimentos, seguridad en el transporte y mantenimiento de la calidad de productos”. Por ello consideran que es importante que las regulaciones sean claras y transparentes, beneficiando a todos los agentes de la cadena de valor de los plásticos y, por consiguiente, al consumidor final.

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Un protocolo criptográfico permite compartir datos de forma segura en el sector de la energía eólica flotante Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:41:18 +0000 Madrid. 23 de diciembre de 2024. La energía eólica flotante ofrece un enorme potencial para el desarrollo de la energía marina en aguas profundas. Sin embargo, la gestión y el intercambio seguro de datos entre las partes interesadas representan un desafío clave para su evolución. Un nuevo marco criptográfico, desarrollado por las investigadoras Claudia Bartoli (IMDEA […]

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Madrid. 23 de diciembre de 2024. La energía eólica flotante ofrece un enorme potencial para el desarrollo de la energía marina en aguas profundas. Sin embargo, la gestión y el intercambio seguro de datos entre las partes interesadas representan un desafío clave para su evolución. Un nuevo marco criptográfico, desarrollado por las investigadoras Claudia Bartoli (IMDEA Software) e Irene Rivera-Arreba (Universidad de Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología, NTNU), presentado en la conferencia WindTech 2024, propone resolver este problema con un esquema de compartición de datos garantizando la integridad de los datos y sin comprometer su privacidad. Este avance busca fomentar la colaboración entre industrias y la academia, impulsando la innovación en tecnologías eólicas flotantes.


La energía eólica flotante se posiciona como una prometedora frontera en el sector de las energías renovables, permitiendo la expansión de la energía eólica marina a áreas de mayor profundidad. Para aprovechar este potencial, es esencial compartir datos confiables entre las partes, como empresas y académicos.

El acceso a los conjuntos de datos es crucial en todas las etapas del desarrollo, desde la selección de emplazamientos hasta el mantenimiento. Además, compartir datos fomenta la innovación, atrae inversiones y fortalece la confianza entre los agentes involucrados. Sin embargo, el manejo de grandes volúmenes de datos y la protección de la propiedad intelectual representan desafíos significativos.

El enfoque actual se basa en datos certificados por organismos de certificación (Certification Body), pero estos a menudo carecen de detalles críticos para optimizar el rendimiento del sistema. En respuesta, las investigadoras han diseñado un protocolo criptográfico que permite el intercambio seguro de datos esenciales, garantizando la privacidad y la integridad mediante herramientas avanzadas como las pruebas de conocimiento cero.

El estudio

El protocolo propuesto por Bartoli y Rivera-Arreba ha sido diseñado para facilitar las interacciones entre las diversas partes implicadas en el desarrollo de la energía eólica marina. Tiene el potencial de transformar el intercambio de datos en el sector de la energía eólica, mejorando la colaboración entre la industria y la academia dado que garantiza la integridad de los datos entre las partes sin divulgar información adicional. Con la implementación de este protocolo, “A través del uso de técnicas como la Multi Party Computation (MPC), este enfoque permite el análisis de datos cifrados, asegurando la confidencialidad de la información mientras se comparten los resultados obtenidos por dicho análisis” asegura Claudia, investigadora principal del artículo.

Además, el sistema incorpora firmas criptográficas y esquemas de compromiso sucinto para reducir costes y facilitar la gestión de bases de datos extensas. Estas innovaciones abren nuevas posibilidades para superar las limitaciones actuales en la disponibilidad de datos, sin comprometer la privacidad de los mismos.


El desarrollo de este protocolo criptográfico marca un paso adelante en la implementación de la energía eólica flotante. Al permitir el intercambio confidencial de datos, fomenta la innovación y contribuye a salvar la brecha entre privacidad y disponibilidad. Este avance representa una solución prometedora para abordar los desafíos tecnológicos y regulatorios en el camino hacia un futuro sostenible en el sector de las energías renovables y abre camino a futuras investigaciones al respecto.

Referencia bibliográfica:

Claudia Bartoli Duncan, IMDEA Software Institute / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Irene Rivera-Arreba, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

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The Subtle Power of Nature Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:53:42 +0000 In an age dominated by technology and urbanization, the power of nature often goes unnoticed. Yet, it persists, silently influencing our lives in profound ways. From the tranquil rustle of leaves in a forest to the awe-inspiring force of a hurricane, nature’s power is both subtle and immense. This article explores the various facets of […]

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In an age dominated by technology and urbanization, the power of nature often goes unnoticed. Yet, it persists, silently influencing our lives in profound ways. From the tranquil rustle of leaves in a forest to the awe-inspiring force of a hurricane, nature’s power is both subtle and immense. This article explores the various facets of nature’s power, illustrating how it shapes our environment, impacts our health, and influences our societies.

The Healing Power of Nature

One of the most significant yet understated powers of nature is its ability to heal. Numerous studies have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of natural environments on mental and physical health. For instance, spending time in green spaces has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function. The concept of “forest bathing,” or shinrin-yoku in Japan, highlights this benefit. It involves immersing oneself in a forest environment, which has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce cortisol levels, and boost the immune system.

Furthermore, nature has a remarkable ability to foster recovery. Hospitals and healthcare facilities that incorporate natural elements, such as gardens or views of greenery, report faster recovery rates among patients. This healing effect is not limited to physical health; nature also plays a crucial role in mental well-being. Exposure to natural settings can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve overall life satisfaction.

The Ecological Balance

Nature’s power is also evident in the delicate balance of ecosystems. Each organism, from the tiniest microorganism to the largest predator, plays a crucial role in maintaining this balance. For instance, bees, often overlooked, are essential pollinators for many of the world’s crops. Without them, food production would drastically decline, leading to severe economic and social consequences.

Similarly, apex predators like wolves and lions help regulate the populations of other species, preventing overgrazing and maintaining the health of their habitats. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park is a prime example of this. The wolves controlled the elk population, which allowed vegetation to recover, leading to increased biodiversity and improved ecosystem health.

The interconnectedness of these systems illustrates nature’s subtle power. Disruptions to one component can have cascading effects throughout the ecosystem, highlighting the importance of preserving biodiversity and protecting natural habitats.

Natural Disasters: A Force to Reckon With

While nature’s power can be gentle and nurturing, it can also be formidable and destructive. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires are stark reminders of nature’s raw power. These events can cause widespread devastation, loss of life, and significant economic damage. However, they also play a role in shaping the environment.

For example, wildfires, despite their destructive capacity, are a natural part of many ecosystems. They can clear dead and decaying matter, return nutrients to the soil, and stimulate the growth of certain plant species. Similarly, flooding can replenish soil nutrients and create rich agricultural land. These events, while often catastrophic for human populations, are integral to the natural processes that sustain various ecosystems.

Climate Regulation

Nature also exerts a powerful influence over the Earth’s climate. Forests, oceans, and other natural systems play critical roles in regulating global temperatures and weather patterns. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, regulate temperature and weather patterns through complex interactions between the water, air, and marine life.

The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth,” is a prime example of nature’s climate-regulating power. It absorbs vast amounts of carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, playing a crucial role in maintaining the atmospheric balance. However, deforestation and climate change threaten these natural systems, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts.

Inspiration and Creativity

Beyond its physical and ecological impacts, nature has a profound influence on human creativity and inspiration. Throughout history, artists, writers, and musicians have drawn inspiration from the natural world. The serene beauty of a sunset, the intricate patterns of a snowflake, or the majestic presence of a mountain have sparked countless works of art and literature.

This connection to nature is deeply embedded in many cultures and traditions. Indigenous communities, in particular, have long understood and revered the power of nature. Their cultural practices and spiritual beliefs often emphasize a harmonious relationship with the natural world, recognizing its importance for survival and well-being.

The Future: Living in Harmony with Nature

As we look to the future, it is crucial to acknowledge and respect the subtle power of nature. Urbanization and technological advancements have often led to a disconnect between humans and the natural world. However, the growing awareness of environmental issues and the importance of sustainability is fostering a renewed appreciation for nature.

Sustainable development, conservation efforts, and green technologies are steps towards a more harmonious relationship with nature. By integrating natural elements into urban planning, protecting natural habitats, and reducing our ecological footprint, we can harness the power of nature to create healthier, more sustainable communities.

In conclusion, the subtle power of nature is a force that shapes our world in myriad ways. From healing and ecological balance to climate regulation and inspiration, nature’s influence is pervasive and profound. Recognizing and respecting this power is essential for our well-being and the health of the planet. As we navigate the challenges of the modern world, embracing the wisdom and strength of nature can guide us towards a more sustainable and harmonious future.

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How to Get Information About Cannabis-Related Businesses ? Sun, 14 Jan 2024 16:54:55 +0000 Cannabis has become a highly lucrative source of income for many businesses. With increased efforts by individuals and companies to create awareness about the health benefits of cannabis and its components, it has exponentially developed into a booming industry. Whether you are an investor or spectator, you can learn about this industry and the opportunities within. Around […]

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Cannabis has become a highly lucrative source of income for many businesses. With increased efforts by individuals and companies to create awareness about the health benefits of cannabis and its components, it has exponentially developed into a booming industry. Whether you are an investor or spectator, you can learn about this industry and the opportunities within.

Around the world, many countries are seeking new ways to index information on companies that produce, dispense, sell, and use cannabis. It has created a global information network to provide adequate research for knowledge-seekers to make informed decisions about anything related to cannabis.

What is Cannabis, and Why Is It Important to Track It ?

Cannabis is a medicinal plant that is popularly known as “weed.” It has both recreational and medical uses as a pain reliever, euphoria-inducing substance, and psychotropic substance. Although cannabis as a plant makes a beneficial herb, it also contains several compounds that are useful on their own. With over 100 active agents in the plant, scientists mainly focus on two of these most active agents. They are known as THC and cannabinol.

Although research has shown that there are many benefits attached to using cannabis in aromatherapy, recreational treatments, pain relief, and even Tourette’s syndrome, there is also significant proof that cannabis can have effects that are detrimental to the health of individuals, which is why it needs to be tracked.

How Does The US Track Cannabis-Related Businesses ?

There are several ways that the US can track cannabis businesses, including through their stock inflow, output, investors, etc. However, they effectively use the newsroom Marijuana Index to keep track of information about industries that use THC and cannabinol, producers of marijuana, and distributors as well. This index also provides information about stock prices and news on scientific discoveries about cannabis by globally recognized organizations.

Information obtained from this index can be helpful in various contexts apart from industrial use and investment advice. For example, there are a lot of educational outreaches and workshops to teach people about the health implications of cannabis abuse. The information obtained from the proper tracking of cannabis businesses and their discoveries in scientific research can provide these educational campaigns with factual information that can significantly reduce abuse of the substance and accidents related to the unprescribed use of cannabis.

Furthermore, it can also have the desired effect of reducing false information about cannabis and businesses related to it. In turn, this will help people discover the health benefits of cannabinoids and THC. These benefits include sleeping aids, helping with anxiety, improving hair growth, boosting appetite, and more.


The unique nature of the information provided on the cannabis index makes it easy for anybody going through the channel to find knowledge that is specific to their cause and the type of cannabis-related substance they want. So, if you’re searching for information on cannabis, what it does, current research, and political and legal information about the substance, the cannabis index may be the best place to find valuable and accurate information. You can access it whenever you want if you have an internet-enabled device.

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4 Financial Benefits of Investing in Solar Panels Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:12:45 +0000 Ready to make the switch? Believe it or not, as of a recent report, 10 states in the US now consider solar panels to be standard when building a new home. In another state, you can get a tax break for having them put in on an existing home. They’ve even started giving out grants […]

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Ready to make the switch?

Believe it or not, as of a recent report, 10 states in the US now consider solar panels to be standard when building a new home. In another state, you can get a tax break for having them put in on an existing home. They’ve even started giving out grants to cover the costs in a handful of states.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s take a look at all the reasons why you should make the switch to solar.

1. Save Money on Energy Costs

With energy costs on the rise, investing in solar panels is a great way to save money on energy costs long-term. Many states and local governments offer incentives and rebates for those who invest in solar panels. Additionally, you can lower energy bills by producing energy from solar panels.

With advances in solar technology, many solar panel models are efficient, meaning you get more energy for the cost of set-up. Furthermore, excess energy generated by solar panels can be sold back to the utility company often. Once set up, solar panels little to no maintenance and can last for decades.

With proper installation, solar panels can reduce energy costs and provide investment. Browse this site to know more about the benefits of solar panel.

2. Local Government or Utility Companies May Provide Incentives

Local governments may provide incentives for investing in solar panels due to the many financial benefits they can bring. Incentives could include rebates, tax exemptions and credits, loans, and other financing options. Those who installing solar panels have the potential to lower their electricity bills, as well as be credited for energy they produce but do not use.

Some states also mandated that utility companies must provide customers with the option to buy renewable energy. And giving them the option to invest in renewable energy without much financial risk. Solar energy investments can also increase the property value of homes and businesses.

Also, provide savings for both public and private entities, such as schools and hospitals. With the incentives, local governments and utility companies will encourage people to invest in solar.


Investing in solar panels can bring about many financial benefits, especially if you can take advantage of rebates. Rebates are the local incentives offered to individuals and/or businesses. as partial reimbursement for solar panel installation costs.

On the jurisdiction, investments made in solar panels may result in a considerable reduction in state or local taxes. A solar energy investment may also be eligible to be written off on taxes, depending on local regulations.

Tax exemptions

One great benefit is the tax exemptions and deductions that may come with them. These can vary depending on where you live. Some of the exemptions include credits for installation and equipment costs.

These incentives bring down the return on investment associated with solar energy investments. And it will help make the switch to solar energy more cost-effective for all. With the many financial benefits associated with solar energy investments, it’s no wonder why more people are making the switch each day.


Other countries offer different credits that reward businesses for investing in solar panels. These credits lead to a decrease in the cost of solar installation, making it a more attractive option. Countries such as the United States, Italy, and Japan.

They offer incentives that range from credit deductions to outright grants. Because of a combination of energy and net metering. They can receive credit on their energy bills for solar energy produced. .


Loans are a popular option for those who would like to go solar and can be a great way to spread the cost of a solar installation. Many loans offer an interest-free or low-interest period of up to 25 years, allowing homeowners to make payments without having to worry about increasing interest rates. They reduce one of the major financial benefits of investing in solar panels’ energy costs.

3. Increase in Property Value

One of the main financial advantages for homeowners is that solar energy can significantly increase the value of their property. Studies have found that homes with solar panels sell for an average of up to 4.1% more than comparable homes without solar panels. With solar energy, homeowners can save money on their electricity bills, which further increases the value of their homes.

Real estate experts have also noted that homes with solar panels may sell faster and attract higher bids because buyers are becoming more conscious of sustainability and are drawn to properties that embrace clean energy sources. These financial benefits are one of the many reasons why more and more individuals are investing in solar power today.

4. A Cleaner Environment and a More Sustainable Future

This means a reduced carbon footprint, a cleaner environment, and a more sustainable future. Solar power produces no emissions and continues to produce energy even when the sun is not shining, making it an ideal long-term investment. Moreover, solar power systems require little maintenance and can last up to 25 years or more.

Finally, some local and federal incentives are available to help offset the initial costs, making investing in solar panels a great financial decision. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner environment, investing in solar panels is certainly a wise choice for a more sustainable future.

By investing in solar panels, we protect clean air and create a cleaner environment while preparing ourselves for a more sustainable future. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that increases energy independence while providing economic benefits to businesses, homeowners, governments, and taxpayers.

Switch to Solar Panels Now

Investing in solar panels is a sound financial decision with considerable short-term and long-term benefits. Solar can reduce or even eliminate electric bills, and it increases property values and provides additional potential income.

With all that solar has to offer, it’s clear that investing in solar panels is a wise financial decision. Leap and get in touch with a local solar provider today to learn how solar can work for you.

Need more advice on managing your finances? Check back to our blog frequently for more helpful tips and tricks.

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An examination of the different cryptocurrency mining processes and their environmental impact Thu, 23 Feb 2023 07:00:12 +0000 Cryptocurrency mining is a process by which the cryptocurrency network validates transactions, and also collects fees through the use of specialized computers called minings. The computers used to mine cryptocurrency are not only energy-intensive, but they also release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  Cryptocurrency mining can be energy intensive. Cryptocurrency mining is […]

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Cryptocurrency mining is a process by which the cryptocurrency network validates transactions, and also collects fees through the use of specialized computers called minings. The computers used to mine cryptocurrency are not only energy-intensive, but they also release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

Cryptocurrency mining can be energy intensive.

Cryptocurrency mining is an energy-intensive process. The amount of electricity required to run a Bitcoin or Ethereum mining rig can be substantial, with the average person consuming around 1 kWh per day in their home. This means that cryptocurrencies have become a major contributor to carbon emissions, which are already having a serious impact on the environment and climate change.

Proof-of-work mining requires large amounts of electricity because it requires solving complex equations using computer power instead of simply guessing at them as in proof-of-stake systems (which we’ll talk about next). When you think about how much energy this takes up—and how much more efficient proof-of-stake systems would be—you can see why cryptocurrency miners would prefer Bitcoin over other coins: it uses the most efficient resource available today!

Excess energy from proof-of-work mining is released into the atmosphere as heat.

Proof-of-work mining uses a lot of energy, and it creates excess heat. This excess heat is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

Proof-of-work miners use expensive equipment that consumes large amounts of electricity; this is why there are often large power plants nearby with high emissions levels when they operate. In addition, proof-of-work miners generate waste heat from their computers as they run computationally heavy algorithms on blocks of data in order to find solutions for them (see Figure 1).

Proof-of-stake cryptocurrency mining does not release carbon dioxide.

Proof-of-stake uses a different algorithm, known as “proof-of-stake,” to proof-of-work. The main difference between these two processes is that in the case of proof-of-work, miners solve a puzzle based on SHA 256 hashing algorithm by solving mathematical problems and processing transactions. This process releases large amounts of energy because it requires strong computer hardware, which consumes more power than other methods available today. In contrast, proof staking works with fewer hardware requirements but still requires users to keep their wallets online at all times in order to participate in network validation processes (which require less computing power than traditional crypto currencies). This means that not only does it require less energy for this type of mining process but also less money spent on electricity bills since there aren’t any cooling systems needed!

A majority of cryptocurrency on the market today uses proof-of-work, but there is a growing number of currencies that use proof-of-stake.

Proof-of-work is the most popular method of mining cryptocurrency, but there are a growing number of currencies that use proof-of-stake. The idea behind proof-of-stake is that rather than using electricity to confirm transactions, they rely on trusted users with lots of coins. This means that if you are holding your own coin in your wallet and providing access to new coins for other people (known as staking), then you would earn interest by doing this instead of mining.

In order to understand how this works, let’s look at an example: If I had 100 bitcoins and wanted to stake them with someone else who also had 100 bitcoins (in this case, we would call these two parties referred to as “miners”) then both parties could issue additional blocks on top of each other – creating an infinite stream of “new” blocks which contain valid transactions between other users or merchants (like Amazon). Learn more the ekrona.


While cryptocurrency mining is not a widely accepted technology, it is important to understand how it affects our environment. With the growing adoption of proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies and their ability to produce less heat than other types of blockchains, we can expect this trend to continue.


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5 Ways An Environmental Consultant Can Benefit Your Business Thu, 02 Feb 2023 17:51:33 +0000 With climate change on the rise, sustainable business practices have become more of a necessity than a choice. More and more companies are now prioritizing environmental action and streamlining objectives to meet sustainability goals. However, incorporating environmental goals into your business strategy is a challenging task.  Not to forget, a competitive edge over your rivals […]

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With climate change on the rise, sustainable business practices have become more of a necessity than a choice. More and more companies are now prioritizing environmental action and streamlining objectives to meet sustainability goals. However, incorporating environmental goals into your business strategy is a challenging task. 

Not to forget, a competitive edge over your rivals is not the only benefit of adopting an eco-conscious approach. As a business owner, it might be crucial to understand the various aspects of sustainability that can impact your business growth. 

If you are planning to adopt a sustainable approach, hiring a consultant could be a good starting step. Read on to learn how hiring an environmental consultant can significantly benefit your business. 

Planning A Sustainability Strategy:

The road to achieving sustainability goals starts with a concise and effective strategy. However, to create a long-term plan, you need to first understand your environmental impact. This entails measuring your operations for optimum performance, assessing your carbon footprint, and creating a blueprint of future implications. 

You’d also need to identify a course of plan that aligns with company objectives, resources, and values. Since environmental consultants specialize in this field, they can conduct the required research and analysis and develop a strategy best suited for your business growth. 

Compliance With Regulations:

Several legislations now require businesses to disclose their environmental impact and positioning in the market. In addition, there are international and domestic environmental laws, regulations, and policies that companies are mandated to follow. 

Environmental consultants can ensure your business actions and goals comply with regulations for a seamless business operation. They can also create effective compliance plans, train employees for compliant activities, and offer guidance to counter any environment-related work issues.  

Market Positioning:

Sustainability is no longer a geopolitical issue. Today, customers are making conscious choices to support businesses actively working towards sustainability. Just impact mitigations and compliance with regulations are not enough. For your business to grow, you also need to position your company with a favorable public image in the market. 

Several firms, like Soar environmental consulting, provide consultations specifically to aid businesses in taking constructive action toward addressing ecological concerns. Effective waste disposal, actions towards bio-resource, and considering geological resources in projects are all examples of informed actions. With company operations closely tied to sustainable action, you can considerably improve your market position.  

Safety and Health:

Environmental consultants can play an integral role in meeting employee safety and health standards. Especially if you work in an industry with higher employee health risks and considerations. 

For instance, if you work in the construction sector, you could unknowingly expose your employees to welding fumes or paint vapor. Similarly, a cleaning company would have to expose its employees to asbestos and other contaminants. 

An environmental consultant can draft adequate health and safety policies with the management. In addition, they can also ensure your workplace conditions and practices are employee safe and in compliance with labor laws. The same applies to creating workplace accident compensation policies and benefits. 

Going Green:

There is a fine line between an eco-conscious business and a sustainable business. Eco-conscious companies are those that incorporate environmental goals in their company objective to reduce carbon footprint and mitigate ecological damage. 

However, sustainable or “Green” businesses adopt an entirely environment-friendly approach in all aspects of their operation. If you are planning to transform into a green business, an environmental consultant’s guidance can make the process seamless and less expensive. 

Final Thoughts:

Maximizing profits is the primary goal of any business. However, strictly profit-oriented actions can have adverse implications for the environment. By hiring an environmental consultant, you can achieve business objectives and goals without harming the planet. 

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European Smart Cities Leading the Way Sun, 22 Jan 2023 08:03:07 +0000 Smart Cities across Europe are facing up to the challenges of urbanization with pioneering solutions. Technology is helping to create more sustainable greener cities that offer residents a greater quality of life. From mobility to water management, intelligent systems are making a real impact on city life across the continent. It’s a trend that’s set […]

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Smart Cities across Europe are facing up to the challenges of urbanization with pioneering solutions. Technology is helping to create more sustainable greener cities that offer residents a greater quality of life. From mobility to water management, intelligent systems are making a real impact on city life across the continent.

It’s a trend that’s set to increase as cities seek ways to solve the problems caused by an increasing population. Using Information and Communication Technologies, cities and urban areas can provide greener, cleaner, and more efficient places to live and work across Europe and the rest of the world.

Here are some of the European Smart Cities leading the way.

Barcelona, Spain—Smarter Urban Planning

Barcelona was recently named best foreign smart city by the World Smart City Expo Korea. The Catalan capital has long been considered one of the most pioneering smart cities globally, adopting new technologies to improve energy efficiency and sustainability.

One of Barcelona’s smart city projects is Sentilo, a network of sensors throughout the city that measures traffic and bicycle flow, noise pollution, temperature, and air quality in the different neighborhoods.

Another example is the recently implemented superblock system. This has created mini neighborhoods with reduced traffic and more leisure and green spaces for residents. Using innovative solutions to improve the quality of life in the city.

Barcelona will host the Smart City Expo World Congress from 15 to 17 November 2022. Leaders from the world’s most innovative companies and organizations, plus governments will take part to share ideas for future-proofing our cities.

If you’d like to attend, you’ll need to register online. Also, check the entry requirements for Spain well in advance as it’s one of the European countries that still has some COVID-19 restrictions in place. If you are from a visa-exempt country for the Schengen Area you can travel to Spain without applying for a visa. Also, given that the ETIAS for Spain is not yet operational, you don’t need a travel authorization yet either.

There is a Digital Program too if you can’t attend in person with expert interviews and live connections.

Zurich, Switzerland — Ambitious Smart City Strategy

For Zurich in Switzerland, a Smart City  is one that ‘connects people, organizations or infrastructures’ to add economic, social, or ecological values.

Zurich’s Smart City strategy lays out its clearly defined goals when it comes to digital transformation. Using Smart City technology, Zurich aims to promote equal opportunities and improve the quality of life for everyone—that includes visitors to the city. The environment is another major focus. Zurich’s Smart City strategy helps to conserve resources and support sustainable development. By positioning itself as a leading Smart City, Zurich also attracts businesses and entrepreneurs looking to innovate.

Central to achieving these aims is the Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWN), an Internet of Things Solution. Using LoRaWN, data can be collected in a cost-effective way and used to improve air quality, water management, and Smart Parking.

Zurich has positioned itself as a leading European Smart City thanks to its innovative approaches to digital transformation and ambitious Smart City strategy.

Paris — Post-Pandemic Digitalization

The French capital has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and turned its attention to Smart City solutions. The Smart City plans focus on areas including transportation, urban planning, and the environment, among others.

A Smart Transportation Plan is being implemented to create a more efficient transportation system, reduce emissions, and improve health and safety. People are at the center of the Paris Smart City planning. The government is focussing on creating greener and safer transport for all its residents.

Another key concern is the climate and environment. Paris aims to be a carbon-neutral city by 2050 and is using Smart City solutions to work towards this. Paris is implementing energy-efficient services such as smart street lighting, increasing the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings, and working to reduce the carbon footprint of its industries.

Other aspects of Parisian life that will be improved by Smart City solutions in the coming years include water management, health services, and shopping.

Helsinki — Offering Mobility as a Service

Finland shows how technology can be used to improve life in the city and the country. The Helsinki-Uusimaa smart region benefits from cutting-edge research and innovation.

Many case studies across the region demonstrate the commitment to improving efficiency and sustainability. One example is that of Porvoo Central School which has installed a heating system  that utilizes waste heat. There is also an intelligent heating and control system. Sensors measure indoor temperature, CO2 levels, and heat produced by humans to adjust heating and ventilation.

Helsinki is a global leader when it comes to smart mobility. Helsinki offers mobility-as-a-service. Using the ‘Whim’ application, residents can find out how to get from A to B by a combination of cars, taxis, bikes, and buses… this way traffic can be kept to a minimum and promote a more streamlined journey.

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We’ve Unearthed How to Make Money by Going Green Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:19:41 +0000 Now more than ever before, it’s critical to focus on eco-friendly and greener ways of living. People are more aware of how their habits impact not only their health but the health and stability of the environment. With advances in technology that can reduce carbon emissions, improve food supplies, and even create biodegradable packaging, it’s […]

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Now more than ever before, it’s critical to focus on eco-friendly and greener ways of living. People are more aware of how their habits impact not only their health but the health and stability of the environment. With advances in technology that can reduce carbon emissions, improve food supplies, and even create biodegradable packaging, it’s clear that going green is the way of the future. For those industrious entrepreneurs who want to make money while embracing a ‘green life’, there are plenty of opportunities to make an impact whether large or small.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

One of the ways that people can make money while living a greener lifestyle is by supporting companies that don’t fund the oil industry or other non-green companies. As an example, most credit cards or debit cards help fund fossil fuel industries.

Using a card like Aspiration’s eco-friendly debit card is a great alternative. Not only will your money be used toward greener initiatives, you’ll also earn rewards and interest on the money you keep in your account. Additionally, when you spend your money at certain eco-friendly businesses, you’ll get a portion of your purchases as cash back.

Invest in Green Technologies

Technologies that improve the environment are worth your investment. If you have money that you want to see grow and also build a better future, put your dollars into green technologies and companies. Whether it’s technology that improves yields on food with less harmful pesticides and herbicides, or a technology that creates green energy, putting your money into these investments will eventually make you more money. Think about those who invested early in innovative companies like Tesla – they are now making a lot more money by going green.

Sell Your Garden Produce

A small way to go green in your own community is to plant an organic garden and sell the excess. You’ll make money doing something you enjoy, bring fresh food into people’s homes, and help keep the farm-to-table movement alive. Not only is local food better for your health, it’s also better for the environment because you don’t need to transport it from far away. Growing your own garden in the summer months can provide you with extra money just by going green.

Start a Toxin-Free Spa

The business ideas are endless when it comes to going green. Using toxin-free and organic products in your spa can create a wonderful experience for the people who come to relax. Using biodegradable materials, shopping for supplies from other green suppliers, and even leveraging natural light can all be ways to go green in your spa business and make money doing it. Additionally, you could create a green and all-natural beauty product line that you can sell near and far.

Write About Eco-Friendly Topics

People love to read blogs, op-eds, and other content. Writing about eco-friendly topics is a great way to educate people about important issues while making money as a result. You can leverage your passion for going green to help people reduce the toxins in their homes, make better buying choices, and find ways to participate in the green movement themselves. Earning money by going green means you can share your experiences and expertise with the world.

Going green in your personal life is great. Taking your newfound zeal for sustainability, reducing toxins, and more can give you the opportunity to make money by going green. These are just a few of the ways you can do it. Can you think of more?

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