Success stories

Success stories in startups related to emerging technologies are very attractive. Applications and triumphs that entrepreneurs bring to our daily lives.

Will Fintech Kill Traditional Banking or Simply Help It Reinvent Itself?

Will Fintech Kill Traditional Banking or Simply Help It Reinvent Itself?

(by Natan Sinnot, The search for the next big thing is a constant in Silicon Valley. The drive to innovate and pioneer is what keeps the...
63 Companies Shaping Africa’s FinTech Ecosystem

63 Companies Shaping Africa’s FinTech Ecosystem

(by Elena Mesropyan, LTP) Africa is the largest unserved market that has dropped out of sight of the global financial system. Some estimates suggest that...
Deloitte and All Street Research report: "London is Still the Global Hub for FinTech"

Deloitte and All Street Research report: “London is Still the Global Hub for...

Extract from the report: Connecting the global FinTech Community. Global FinTech continues to grow at a breathtaking pace with new entrepreneurs, investors and regional hub...
España experimenta un crecimiento «brutal» en el uso de las redes sociales.

España experimenta un crecimiento «brutal» en el uso de las redes sociales.

ABC, 21/11/2016 Los españoles no se cansan de las redes sociales. Todo lo contrario. Su uso en nuestro país experimenta un «crecimiento brutal»: los internautas...
Mc Kinsey: Bracing for seven critical changes as fintech matures

Mc Kinsey: Bracing for seven critical changes as fintech matures

(By Miklos Dietz, Vinayak HV, and Gillian Lee) The fintech sector is being shaped by shifting market conditions, new regulations, and changes in consumer demands...
Boom, bubble or bust for fintech?

Boom, bubble or bust for fintech?

(by Howard Lindzon) The term “fintech” has become all the rage; investors and media can’t stop talking about it. Many people also have been talking...
Israel's Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

Israel’s Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

(by Dennis Mitzner) Israeli finance technology has taken giant leaps in the last few years. Hundreds of local startups are developing new technologies for payment and...
El 94% de los españoles posee un smartphone

El 94% de los españoles posee un smartphone

Kantar lanza  la nueva edición del estudio Connected Life, este estudio trata sobre el consumidor conectado. Los datos revelan que los españoles tienen una...
Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

El uso de las redes sociales en España experimenta un "crecimiento brutal": los internautas españoles se conectan cada semana a una media de 6,2...

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Social Media

Data Privacy in Social Media: Expert Advice to Startups

Customers are crucial for any business, and this is even truer for startups with a social media presence. Collectively, the data that customers provide...
How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

How Generative AI is transforming financial industry

Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the financial industry by enhancing fraud detection By Shiva Ganesh Today’s financial industry is experiencing a significant shift due to...
Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?

Bitcoin’s $100K milestone created 14,211 new millionaires and 4 billionaires. BTC investors become millionaires 22x faster than those in traditional stocks. Billionaire BTC...