Astronaut: A Blockchain Platform To Place Your ICO Investments On Autopilot
Monday October 16th 2017 ‐ Independent blockchain research company Astronaut have launched their Initial Coin Offering, opening up an investment syndicate‐style service, aimed towards...
Blockchain: la revolución del comercio online
¿Qué cambio implicaría a una tienda online hacer compras con Blockchain?
El comercio ha sufrido una gran transformación digital en los últimos años. Estos cambios...
El boom Fintech en China
2013 es considerado el año en que comienza el boom Fintech en China.
A partir de entonces el crecimiento fue exponencial.
El año pasado se estima...
Future of Fintech: India in 2050
by Mihir Mehta
A portmanteau of two words- Finance and technology, Fintech has created a disruption in the financial services industry (banking, investments, payments etc.) by...
Banking Is Only The Beginning: 30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform
Emma Miller
Blockchain tech could affect many industries.
Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are made possible by what's known as blockchain technology. Blockchain is essentially a global...
Bitinka la empresa peruana que crece sobre tecnología blockchain
Se suele decir que los peruanos no somos muy innovadores en uso de la tecnología y en lugar de crear, nos dedicamos solo a...
The First Annual Toronto FinTech Academic Conference
The Annual Toronto FinTech Conference
We are pleased to announce that our founder, Dr. Salvatore Moccia, will be present at the First Fintech Academic Conference...
The Future of Payments in Thailand
As of December 2016 there were 15 million internet banking users and 20.8 million mobile banking users in Thailand according to central bank statistics....
Entrevista a Alejandro Amicone de Accenture Perú
El desafío que hoy está en la mesa de los Gerentes Generales es hacer que sus organizaciones sean ágiles y no sólo lo sean...
Mc Kinsey: What next for blockchain?
Bitcoin isn’t mainstream yet, and some skepticism of the digital currency remains. But the buzz surrounding the technology underlying it—blockchains—has started to take a...
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Data Privacy in Social Media: Expert Advice to Startups
Customers are crucial for any business, and this is even truer for startups with a social media presence. Collectively, the data that customers provide...
How Generative AI is transforming financial industry
Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the financial industry by enhancing fraud detection
By Shiva Ganesh
Today’s financial industry is experiencing a significant shift due to...
Is Bitcoin the greatest wealth generator of our time?
Bitcoin’s $100K milestone created 14,211 new millionaires and 4 billionaires.
BTC investors become millionaires 22x faster than those in traditional stocks.
Billionaire BTC...